Grand Valley Power MSI Endowed Scholarship

Grand Valley Power MSI Endowed Scholarship

Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc., (Grand Valley Power) a Colorado Corporation, came into existence on August 12, 1936, and was the first rural electric cooperative organized in Colorado. It was created by a group of rural people in the lower Grand Valley who had been unable to secure electric service from existing electric utilities, either because of its unavailability or because of the high construction costs to the individual user.

But, because of their need and desire for central station electric power, this group of farmers banded together to begin a neighbor-to-neighbor campaign to supply themselves with electricity under the provisions of the Rural Electrification Act of 1935. The act provided for the granting of low interest federal loans for the purpose of constructing electric distribution facilities to rural areas where central station electricity was not available.

Under the guidelines of the REA, Grand Valley Power was formed and construction began. Initially, electric service went to some 400 homes and farms in the lower Grand Valley on September 17, 1937. This accomplishment stirred strong interest and growth continued. Ironically, the electricity we have grown to expect in today’s age and often take for granted was, back then, a blessing to those rural Americans – many of whom were receiving electricity for the first time!

Today, Grand Valley Power is a utility of significant size making recognizable contributions to the economy of Mesa, Delta and Garfield counties. In 1950, the company served 3,500 customers. In 2022, the company is serving over 19,000 members and still growing.
