Bauerle Family Scholarship
Dr. Bruce Bauerle established the Bauerle Family Endowed Scholarship. Dr. Bruce Bauerle is a Professor Emeriti of Colorado Mesa University. In his over forty years of teaching he often found that single mothers trying to gain a skill to support their families were the most hard working, goal driven, intelligent, and deserving students. They have often been the victim of difficult circumstances, and turn out to be outstanding citizens and individuals. Bruce Bauerle was a Professor of Biological Science at Colorado Mesa University from 1972 until 2016, and Professor Emeriti after that. He taught general biology, invertebrate zoology, anatomy, ecology, aquatic biology, ornithology, developmental biology, bioethics, and survival. Some of the awards he received included the following: Faculty Member of the year 2013 which was awarded by the Associated Student Government for excellence in teaching at Colorado Mesa University. Outstanding Educator in 2003 and 1999 and was awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Grand Junction, CO. Only one other person had been selected twice for this honor. Distinguished Faculty Award in 2000. This is the highest honor the college can bestow upon a member of its faculty and came with medallion, plaque, and a $2,000 stipend.